Buccal mucosa cancer also known as inner cheek cancer that grows in the internal cheek of your mouth. Tobacco consumption is most common cause of buccal mucosa cancer
- Non healing ulcer or growth in cheek skin associated with pain.
- Red patch with recent change in size
- Neck nodal swelling
- Reduced mouth opening, bleeding with foul smell
- Loosening of tooth
Biopsy confirms diagnosis
Imaging CT scan helps in staging of disease.
Treatment Surgery is preferred choice.
Early StageSurgery only.
Advanced Stage Surgery + Radiotheraphy +/- chemotheraphy
Early Stage Buccal Mucosa Cancer These are treated with intra oral excision with out external cuts in face for access followed by reconstruction and neck dissection.In below example cheek cancer excised from mouth and defect covered with buccal fat pad .Neck dissection done.